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Park recommended facilities

The “Recommended Facilities” are the tourist facilities (hotels, agritourism, B & B, restaurants and all the tourist activities) which are in the Park area or in the contiguous Park area.

The facilities, which conform the project, have to guarantee the urbanistic conformity of buildings, the Council authorization to work in the tourism; they have to satisfy the environmental quality and follow laws about the respect of the environment.

See full list

To be more precise the environmental characteristics which have to be satisfied from the facilities are:

  1. To reduce plastic and to eliminate plates and glasses to use only one time
  2. To use recycled paper
  3. To adopt all measures to economize the water and the electricity
  4. To organize the separate collection of rubbish
  5. To cook typical food
  6. To give informations about all the Park activities To elect a representative for the relations with the Park
  7. To elect a representative for the relations with the Park
  8. To give to clients some satisfaction questionnaires



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Park “Recommended facilities” guests have a discount of 20% on all Maremma Park itineraries.

Park “Excellence Recommended Facilities” guests have a discount of 30% on all Maremma Park itineraries.

Environmental Excellence

Some Park recommended facilities have another and additional award, the “Environmental Excellence”. This is an award for the most virtuous facilities. In the facilities list map they have the flower symbol.





