The park's itineraries

You can visit the Park by canoe with the guides of Silva Soc. Coop., Our boats are made up of two Canadian canoes held together by a walkable platform, thus forming a stable and anti-overturning structure. The trips are suitable for everyone and last about two hours with boarding / returning near the cycle / pedestrian bridge over the Ombrone two km from Alberese. The excursion is not suitable for children under the age of 4. For each type of excursion you will find a dedicated form to be put on the agenda, it is necessary to make a request at least 24 hours before the excursion. No special clothing is required, you just need to dress comfortably and a second of the season.

In spring-summer there are excursions at dawn, in the morning, in the afternoon and at sunset!

Click on the button below for all the information on our proposals and to apply:

Request excursion

For information you can contact us on WhatsApp clicking here
Or you can call us at +39 375 582 8328! (orario: 9-12)
