Home // Visit the park // Tours on horseback // Boschetto del Lasco: the Park monumental trees

Tours on horseback

Boschetto del Lasco: the Park monumental trees

Every day at 8.30 am and at 5.00 pm.
Min. 3 max 8 partecipants

Across the grazing lands in Alberese area, we reach one of the more suggestive area in the Park: the Boschetto del Lasco., a grazing land with trees at the base of Uccellina mountains, where between different species of oak trees there are wild animals. For people without experience.

Booking and guide service are compulsory, but not included in the ticket.


Departure: “Spergolaia” location, near Alberese
Distance: 12,5km
Time: 2 hours
Difficulty: Easy
Biglietti: 5€
